Yes on 5: Nevadans for Secure Elections aimed to make voter registration easy and seamless for Nevadans. When residents go to the Department of Motor Vehicles, their information would automatically be sent to the Secretary of State for automatic voter registration (AVR).
In 2018, Nevada TV airwaves were crowded with many other political ads. The Yes on 5 campaign made a big investment in research to allow the digital team to focus on our targets: undereducated women 45+, young women, Hispanic women, and women in Reno.
If there is one thing the DMV is known for, and that many women relate to, it’s bad driver’s license photos. Our spot, “Bad Photos,” featured women from a variety of different ages, races, ethnicities, languages, and locations. We connected their authentic, humorous experiences with DMV photos, bookended by the top-testing ballot-measure messages in between. The result is a spot that is memorable and utterly relatable, thanks to our amazing on-camera volunteers. And we won big on Election Night – 60% to 40%!